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Setting up a Podcast - Part V: Other

Adding a Banner Ad

You get a free banner ad along with your podcast, if you want, but it is completely optional. This is a wide banner image that will be shown across the top of other podcast websites in the network. If someone is looking up my podcast, they can see your ad banner (chosen randomly from all the ad banners) and click on your page.

  • Go to ""
  • Create a Name for your ad, this can be any name, no one will see it except you and me.
  • Create an Alternate Text, this is the Tooltip Popup that everyone will see if your ad doesn't load or the mouse is hovered over your ad.
  • Enter the URL for your podcast. Leave off the "http://", e.g. ""
  • Upload the Banner Image. This should be a very wide 1500x400 PNG or JPG image, Max file size is 2M.

Adding Bios of Other Podcasters/Hosts/Engineers

More coming soon. For now ask me over email!
