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Setting up a Podcast - Part IV

Adding Episodes

Now that you have a user account and a show page you can add episodes. The process is not completely automatic, but I am working on it. Right now when you upload your episode to the server it will be available only on the website, until you email me to make it public on itunes, etc.

  • Make an mp3 of your episode. It must be in mp3 format, and the size must be under [File Size]. When exporting the mp3 the recommended bitrate is "224 Kbps Constant (48000 Hz)", but this isn't mandatory, any mp3 should work, but if your audio file is too big to upload, then re-exporting it at a lower bitrate can help.
  • Go to your show page. (If you don't remember where it is, you can always start by going to "". When you log in, you will see your profile, which will have a list of your shows under "Shows". Just click on your show link to find the show page.) If you are not logged in you will see the "Login" link at the top right, so you should login. If you are logged in you will see your account menu at the top right.
  • If you are logged in and looking at your show page, scroll down until you see the "Upload New Episode" section. Add the Name of the episode and the Description, then under "Choose Audio to Upload" click "Choose File" and navigate to your mp3 on your computer (Please don't upload a Video, that isn't fully implemented!)
  • If you want the episode to go out live on your feed immediately click "Is Live". Otherwise, turn this option off and you can make it live later.
  • Click "Upload Episode" and it will start uploading the mp3. This might take a minute or two. When it is finished, if there are no errors you will see the new episode page. You can listen to your uploaded episode from the player on this page.
  • If you haven't made the episode live yet it will not go out on the feed and no one will see it on your website. To turn it on (or turn off an old episode) Go to your Show Page and find the episode (if you don't see the episode listed on the show page, click "Episodes" for a full list of episodes). Episodes that are turned off will be highlighted in Red. That means that only you can see them, not the general public. Click on the Episode you want and then scroll down and click "Edit". This will give you the option to turn on "Is Live" and re-Submit.

Adding Links to an Episode

More coming soon. For now ask me over email!

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